We have a new name

September 25, 2015

Our online community will now be called the JUSTICE Student Network as opposed to the JUSTICE Student Human Rights Network. We hope this new label will open up the breadth and variety of topics discussed on the network. As many of you know, JUSTICE works to improve the UK justice system and ensure that the rule […]

Michael and others v The Chief Constable of South Wales Police and another

Facts On 5 August 2009 at 2.29am, Ms Michael dialled 999 requesting police protection from her historically aggressive ex-boyfriend. Ms Michael told the call handler that her ex-boyfriend had come to the house, found her with another man, bit her ear and had taken the other man away in the car saying he would come […]

Nunn v Chief Constable of Suffolk Constabulary

July 30, 2015

Facts  This case concerned the extent of any continuing duty upon the police or the Crown Prosecution Service to assist a convicted person in gathering and examining evidence post-conviction, with a view to  challenging that conviction on appeal. The appellant, Kevin Nunn, was convicted in November 2006 of the murder of his former girlfriend. Nunn […]

More on the Delivering Justice in an Age of Austerity Report

May 8, 2015

The JUSTICE Working Party on Delivering Justice in an Age of Austerity was tasked with the question: how best to maximise justice for everyone, not simply those who can afford the cost of legal advice and representation? Its recent report provides an answer, setting out proposals for systemic change to the way our civil courts […]