Miscarriage of Justice

December 10, 2013

When should an appellate court quash conviction? Lord Kerr of Tonaghmore, Justice of the Supreme Court  The JUSTICE Scotland International Human Rights Day Lecture, given at Edinburgh Law School.   Downloads Miscarriage of Justice- Lord-Kerr 10dec13

Justice in an Age of Austerity

October 16, 2013

Tom Sargant memorial annual lecture 2013 Justice in an Age of Austerity Lord Neuberger of Abbotsbury Press coverage of lecture ‘A rank denial of justice’ for vulnerable people: Senior judge attacks plan to cut legal aid by £350 m– Andrew Grice, The Independent  Lord Neuberger: Don’t restrict right to judicial review– Claire Carter, The Telegraph Lord […]

After the Act: what future for legal aid?

October 16, 2012

JUSTICE Tom Sargant memorial annual lecture 2012 Roger Smith OBE Legal aid is under threat as never before. The government intends to cut spending by around a quarter. Client eligibility will be slashed by the recently passed Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act. And practitioners are likely to face a squeeze on their […]

The Parliamentary Ombudsmen and Administrative Justice

October 13, 2011

Shaping the next 50 years Anna Abraham  It was 50 years ago – in October 1961 – that JUSTICE published a report by Sir John Whyatt QC, former Attorney-General of Kenya and Chief Justice of Singapore, entitled The Citizen and Administration: The redress of grievances. Although it took a change of government in 1964 before […]

Law Lords at the Margin

October 15, 2010

Who defines Convention rights? Baroness Hale of Richmond The lecture was a response to that given in 2007 by Professor Conor Gearty of the LSE entitled Are judges now out of their depth? Tom Sargant was JUSTICE’s Secretary from the organisation’s foundation in 1957 to his retirement in 1982. Downloads Law Lords at the Margin

The UK Constitution: Time for fundamental reform

October 14, 2010

In the 2010 JUSTICE Tom Sargant memorial annual lecture, Rabinder Singh called for a written constitution, arguing that the notion of Parliament as ‘sovereign’ should be challenged: It may even be that there are certain express laws which it would be within the power of Parliament to enact, if they strike at the very heart […]

Human Rights and the New British Constitution

October 14, 2009

In the 2009 JUSTICE Tom Sargant memorial annual lecture, Professor Vernon Bogdanor concludes: … it is dangerous for a society to believe that it can leave its liberties in the hands of judges. The philosophy of rights, while it may be necessary, is not sufficient to meet the challenges of the 21st Century. We need […]

Are judges now out of their depth?

October 17, 2007

Are judges now out of their depth? was the timely title Professor Conor Gearty of the LSE chose for his lecture. In an extended metaphor, Professor Gearty imagined the public sphere as a swimming pool. At the shallow end were issues – criminal justice, fair proceedings, civil liberties – where the judicial function was uncontroversial. […]

Politics and the Law

October 17, 2006

Constitutional balance or institutional confusion? Professor Jeffery Jowell QC recognised how the relative roles of government, Parliament and the judiciary had shifted in recent times: We have moved with rapid speed to a constitution which now supplements the values of representative democracy with a high concern for the rule of law, and which limits the opportunity […]

Extraordinary Renditions: complicity and its consequences

May 15, 2006

Second JUSTICE International Rule of Law Lecture In 2006, JUSTICE held two major lectures in Middle Temple Hall to cover issues relating to alleged practices by the United States in its self-proclaimed war against terrorism. Professor Philippe Sands‘ lecture was the second of these. Mary Robinson, former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and President […]