Launch of Judicial review and the Rule of Law: An Introduction to the Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015, Part 4

21 October 2015, 5.30pm – 7.30pm.

British Institute of International and Comparative Law
Charles Clore House, London

Join us for an invitation-only discussion to mark the launch of ‘Judicial review and the Rule of Law: An Introduction to the Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015, Part 4’. This guide provides a practical introduction to the latest statutory changes to judicial review practice and procedure, produced by the Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law, JUSTICE and the Public Law Project. Speakers include Lord David Pannick QC and Andrea Coomber, view the full programme below.

Part 4 of the Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015 (‘the CJCA 2015’) makes a number of changes to judicial review practice and procedure in England and Wales.  After substantial debate, Parliament accepted four distinct changes, codified in Sections 84-89 of the CJCA 2015:

  • The Act introduces a duty on the court to refuse permission for judicial review or relief where the outcome would be “highly likely” to make no substantial difference for the applicant in the claim (Section 84);
  • It creates a new financial disclosure obligation on judicial review claimants to disclose how their claim is being funded before their application can proceed (Sections 85-86);
  • The Act contains a new duty on the court to award costs against interveners in any case where specified criteria are satisfied (Section 87);
  • Finally, the framework for the operation of protective costs orders (‘PCOs’) is placed on a statutory footing for the purposes of applications in judicial review claims (Sections 88-89).

This seminar will provide a timely opportunity to discuss the implementation of the new reforms and the future of judicial review.

This event is no longer taking online registrations but if you would like to attend, please email Angela Patrick on 

(CPD accreditation pending)

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5.00      Tea/coffee/registration

5.30      Welcome

             Dr Lawrence McNamara, Deputy Director, Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law

5.35      Judicial review, recent reform and the CJCA 2015

              Lord David Pannick QC, Blackstone Chambers

5.45     “Highly likely” and the materiality test

Stephen Grosz QC (Hon)

Justine Stefanelli, Associate Senior Research Fellow, Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law

Q & A/Discussion

6.15        Financial disclosure

Stephen Cragg QC, Monckton Chambers

Q & A/Discussion

6.40       Interveners and costs

Jonathan Swift QC, 11 KBW

Angela Patrick, Director of Human Rights Policy, JUSTICE

Q & A/Discussion

7.05       Protective costs and the new costs-capping rules

Martin Westgate QC, Doughty Street Chambers

Q & A/Discussion

7.30      Thanks

Andrea Coomber, Director, JUSTICE.

Drinks reception to follow.