JUSTICE are hiring a new Chief Executive

Striving for a fair, accessible, and equal justice system.

Our current Director, Andrea Coomber, is leaving after eight years. She has been instrumental in growing our membership, clarifying our strategic focus, and ensuring our financial viability. This means that our new CE is coming into a strongly performing and highly reputable organisation. It also means that expectations are high.

In the current environment our purpose may seem a daunting one, but we anticipate that won’t deter our new Chief Executive. We seek an exceptional leader, because our work is challenging, complex and impacts upon millions of lives.

Our research and analysis develop ideas for law reform, drawing on national and international expertise, including that of our membership. This crucial work is often done without fanfare. Yet our voice is a hugely important one, and that is down to the leadership of our Chief Executive.

With brilliant relationship management skills, and a deep understanding of the UK justice system, you will ensure that our work remains credible and evidence-based.

Find out more about the role here.