Lord Justice Briggs outlines potential for an online court

The annual Tom Sargant Memorial Lecture 2016 took place on Tuesday 18 October at Shearman & Sterling LLP in London.

The Rt. Hon. Sir Michael Briggs, Lord Justice of Appeal outlined his recommendations for a new online court and the potential for more affordable dispute resolution. Lord Justice Briggs explained some of the challenges and advantages of online digitally assisted dispute resolution, making reference to examples from around the world. Read the full text of his lecture here.

The Tom Sargant Memorial Lecture is held every year in London. Each year JUSTICE selects a high profile speaker – from practice, the judiciary, academia or politics – to talk on a topical issue. Tom Sargant was JUSTICE’s Secretary – broadly equivalent to today’s Director – from its foundation in 1957 to his retirement in 1982.

Follow some of the points from Lord Justice Briggs’ 2016 lecture at #JusticeAL on Twitter.

Further reading

The Online Solutions Court. Affordable Dispute Resolution For All: A Reform Case Study The full text of the Tom Sargant Memorial Lecture 2016 from The Rt. Hon. Sir Michael Briggs, Lord Justice of Appeal.
On the Cusp of a Civil Revolution Lord Justice Briggs gave the Annual Harbour Lecture on 12 October and addressed the online court as he reviewed proposed changes to the civil court.
What is a Court? A Report by JUSTICE which includes a look at the potential of online courts.
Delivering Justice in an Age of Austerity This JUSTICE report advocates for the long-term goal of developing an integrated online and telephone service.
Civil Courts Structure Review: Final Report This report is from Lord Justice Briggs’ review of the structure of the courts which deliver civil justice and includes a chapter on, and recommendations for, an online court.