Building on the success of our Strategy 2021-2024, we are pleased to share the JUSTICE Strategy for 2024-2030.
With a firm foundation in our history, this Strategy sets out our vision and outlines our ambitions for this six year period. It provides the basis for our work plans and priorities, and is a benchmark against which we measure our success.
JUSTICE’s purpose is to build a fairer UK justice system within everyone’s reach. Over the next six years, we will do so by working towards four key goals. Though these do not represent the entirety of our aspirations, they will serve as our guiding beacons:
- Firmly establish the rule of law as a key feature of our democracy
- Challenge discrimination and inequality
- Build a well-functioning, people-centred justice system with trustworthy and effective data management
- Increase public understanding of the justice system, its key challenges, and most promising solutions.
As we work to achieve these goals, all of our work is informed by our core values of Inclusivity, Integrity, Independence, and Innovation.
You can read about our plans for JUSTICE looking ahead to 2030 in this document.