Administrative justice system

Our administrative justice work has helped to ensure that individuals are able to effectively enforce their rights against the state.  JUSTICE was at the forefront of the implementation and safeguarding of the Human Rights Act, recognised the need for greater rights of access to information held by public bodies long before the introduction of the Freedom of Information Act and has sought to ensure that judicial review reforms are implemented in a way which is consistent with the rule of law.

Recent work has focused on ensuring a fair and effective immigration and asylum appeals system for all appellants, in particular against the backdrop of the digitisation and modernisation of courts, as well as a robust system of review for school exclusion decisions.

Since its establishment in 2018 until 2024 (when it moved to the Judicial Office to mirror the structure of its sister bodies), JUSTICE provided the secretariat to the Administrative Justice Council (AJC).  The Council, chaired by Sir Keith Lindblom, aims to strengthen the administrative justice system. It is the only body with oversight of the whole of the administrative justice system in the UK, and advises the government and judiciary on the development of the system.