Annual Lecture 2000: Human Rights – Where are we now?

Date / time
Date(s) - 03/10/2000
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm


JUSTICE annual lecture 2000 given by Lord Hope of Craighead on 3 October 2000 – the day after the Human Rights Act 1998 came in to force.

Lord Craighead examined the overlapping human rights jurisdictions that now exist and drew some lessons from the Scottish experience.

He considered that the courts would not be anxious to intervene on Article 6 grounds in the course of criminal proceedings, but noted that some of the consequences of the Act will have profound significance pointing for example, to the inevitable challenge to the Home Secretary’s tariff-setting power for murderers.

Finally, he considered that a comprehensive Freedom of Information Act is a necessary pillar of a modern free democracy.
