JUSTICE Fringe Meeting – Liberal Democrat Conference 2014

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Date / time
Date(s) - 06/10/2014
6:15 pm - 7:15 pm

Carron 1, SECC


‘Coalition and beyond: Human rights and the liberal legacy’

The Coalition Government committed to the preservation of the UK’s commitments in the European Convention on Human Rights.  Yet, 5 years on, the Human Rights Act 1998 and the Convention are set once again to become manifesto issues for at least one of the three main parties.  The Convention was drafted post-WW2 to protect the integrity of liberal democracies across Europe, safeguarding rights and liberties grounded in the common law, including the right to life, to liberty and to freedom of expression.  Someone famously once asked: which of the rights would you drop?

JUSTICE and the Liberal Democrat Lawyers Association invites you to join our panellists to discuss the Coalition Government’s record on the protection of individual rights and the liberal commitment to international human rights standards.


Graham Colley, LDLA


Simon Hughes MP, Minister for Justice

John Scott QC, JUSTICE Scotland

Angela Patrick, JUSTICE