JUSTICE Webinar Series Careers Conversations – Rupert Skilbeck

Date / time
Date(s) - 21/04/2020
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm


We are delighted to invite you to our JUSTICE members-only webinar series titled ‘Careers Conversations’, starting on Tuesday 21 April at 6pm. Over the course of the next six weeks you will have the opportunity to hear from a range of excellent speakers from our membership sharing their various paths into the law with us.

Our first webinar will be starring Rupert Skilbeck, who is the Director of REDRESS and serves on the JUSTICE Council. REDRESS is an international human rights organisation based in London and The Hague that supports victims of torture to bring legal cases to obtain justice and reparation. Previously Rupert was the Litigation Director at the Open Society Justice Initiative, where he oversaw their global human rights litigation.

In 2006 he was appointed by the United Nations as the Principal Defender for the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia. He was also the director of Odsjek Krivicne Odbrane, the criminal defence section of the State Court in Sarajevo, and the defence advisor at the Special Court for Sierra Leone. From 1995 to 2004 he practiced as a barrister in London.


As a JUSTICE member you can book your place in the members area here. If you are not a JUSTICE member yet you can sign up here and receive access to all our exclusive events.

We will be holding the webinar by Zoom and details of how to join the event will be sent to you on the morning of 21 April.