The JUSTICE Student Human Rights Network Conference
In the run-up to the General Election and with one of the main political parties challenging the role of the Human Rights Act 1998 in the protection of individual rights, we would like to remind you of the JSHRN Conference and the impact of human rights beyond the courtroom.
This one-day conference aimed to give law students, trainee solicitors and pupil barristers a unique opportunity to explore some key topical human rights issues in domestic law, policy and practice.
For those that missed it, you can catch up using the slides or watching the videos below.
You can also read a write up of the event on the Keep Calm Talk Law Blog.
The day featured:
- Death and the State: the importance of human rights in inquests and public inquiries, Leslie Thomas QC, Garden Court Chambers
- Read Leslie Thomas’ talk or watch it on video
- Human rights: challenging the class of 2015, Raju Bhatt, Partner, Bhatt Murphy
- JUSTICE – A review of the human rights year, Angela Patrick, Director of Human Rights Policy, JUSTICE
- View the slides from Angela Patrick’s review or watch it on video
- Breakout groups on
- Criminal cases: redress following conviction
- Learning lessons beyond litigation: inquests and public inquiries
- Human rights in practice: Q&A
View the full JSHRN conference programme.