Contents for Volume 8 Number 1
- Legal aid and the legal profession
- Mainstreaming human rights in public policy: the New Zealand experience, Margaret Wilson
- Why is the death penalty still in use and how is abolition to be achieved?Jodie Blackstock
- Legal aid: entering the endgame, Roger Smith
- The role of the judiciary in developing a law of privacy, Michael Beloff QC
- Not moving beyond the ASBO, Sally Ireland
Book Reviews
- EU Justice and Home Affairs Law, Steve Peers (OUP, 2011)
- The Coalition and the Constitution, Vernon Bogdanor (Hart, 2011)
- Debating Restorative Justice, Chris Cunneen, Carolyn Hoyle (Hart, 2010)
JUSTICE briefings and submissions
1 November 2010 – 30 April 2011
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