A number of organisations can give you free advice and information, regardless of your income.
Advice Now
Website offering practical and easy-to-read advice and guides on a wide range of areas.
Does not offer advice directly but has a detailed list of organisations and contacts who do.
Bar Pro Bono Unit
Offers free legal representation, subject to a referral by a Citizens Advice Bureau, a law centre or an MP.
Citizens Advice
- 08444 111 444 (in England)
- 08444 77 20 20 (in Wales)
- 03454 04 05 06 (in Scotland)
- 028 9023 1120 (in Northern Ireland)
Offers advice by phone or in person from every local bureau, as well as via the helplines number listed above, on a range of civil and welfare issues.
Law Centres Network
You can find your nearest law centre on their website using the postcode search function. Your local office can offer you face-to-face legal advice and some also offer a telephone advice line.
The Liberty Advice Line
Liberty Human Rights Information Line provides free legal information about public law and human rights law issues within England and Wales. Public law and human rights issues involve a disagreement between an individual and a public body, such as the government, the council or the police. They can’t provide information on topics that don’t involve public bodies.
They can explain the legal background to your situation and offer some practical next steps but cannot provide specific legal advice on an ongoing legal case and they can’t offer legal representation over the phone.
You can reach the Human Rights Information Line by calling 0800 988 8177 and selecting option 3 from the main menu.
The Line runs three times a week at the following times:
• Monday evenings from 6pm to 8pm
• Tuesday lunchtimes from 12pm to 2pm
• Thursday evenings from 6pm to 8pm.
Personal Support Unit
Provides support in civil proceedings. They are based a a number of courts across the country.