In May and June 2023, JUSTICE responded to two linked consultations on the earlier resolution of private family law arrangements. The first, by the Family Procedure Rule Committee in connection with the MOJ, sought views on various changes to the Family Procedure Rules to strengthen the existing provisions around attendance at Mediation Information and Assessment […]
Victims and Prisoners Bill
May 15, 2023
Victims and witnesses of criminal conduct play pivotal roles in our criminal justice system. Their evidence enables the State to prosecute offences, seeking to prevent future harm to others and ensuring that the guilty receive a fair penalty. All too often, however, people affected by crime are left to navigate the complex and confusing criminal […]
Illegal Migration Bill
March 28, 2023
JUSTICE briefed Parliament on the Illegal Migration Bill ahead of its seconding reading and committee stages in the Commons. JUSTICE has significant concerns with this legislation which has been introduced with little consultation or scrutiny and has been subject to a very short Parliamentary timetable. The legislation has substantial implications for the UK’s asylum system […]
JUSTICE announces new Council members
March 3, 2023
The Board of JUSTICE, the law reform and human rights organisation, has co-opted new Council members, following the Annual General Meeting on 19 October 2022 in the year the charity celebrated its 65th year anniversary. Co-opted to the charity’s Council for one year are the Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Buckland KC MP (former Secretary of […]
U3 v Secretary of State for the Home Department
March 1, 2023
JUSTICE has been granted permission to intervene in the Court of Appeal case: U3 v Secretary of State for the Home Department. The case concerns the deprivation of UK citizenship of a woman – U3 – and refusal to allow her to re-enter the country, both for reasons of national security. U3 appealed both decisions […]
Online Safety Bill
February 28, 2023
JUSTICE briefed on the Online Safety Bill ahead of its second reading in the House of Lords. The Online Safety Bill was introduced in March 2022 and sets out a framework for the regulation of online service providers. It responds to the growing concern about online harms, and the need to protect service users, especially […]
Supreme Court declares Northern Ireland Abortion Services ‘safe zones’ law compatible with European Convention on Human Rights
December 7, 2022
Today, the UK Supreme Court gave judgment in the case of Reference by the Attorney General for Northern Ireland – Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) (Northern Ireland) Bill. The reference, in which JUSTICE was an intervener, concerned the Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) Bill (the “Bill”), which the Assembly of Northern Ireland passed on 24 […]
Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill
November 22, 2022
JUSTICE has briefed MPs on the Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill (“the Bill”), providing written evidence to the Public Bill Committee and briefing all MPs ahead of report stage. Much EU law is still in force in the UK, as it was preserved after the UK’s withdrawal from the EU. This Bill now […]
JUSTICE announces new Board and Council members
October 20, 2022
JUSTICE has appointed new Board and Council members, following their 65th Annual General Meeting on 19 October 2022. Joining the Board of Trustees are I. Stephanie Boyce (Past President of the Law Society of England and Wales), Sara Mansoori KC (Matrix Chambers), Alice Smith (Trustee at Astriid), and Christian Weaver (Garden Court North Chambers). Appointed […]
Increasing the use of Mediation in the Civil Justice System consultation response
October 17, 2022
In October 2022, JUSTICE responded to the Ministry of Justice consultation on increasing the use of mediation in the civil justice system. The terms of the consultation were broad in scope and ambition, as it sought views on automatically referring for mediation, all small claims (generally understood to be those under £10,000) across sectors and […]