Supreme Court unanimously affirms human rights protection for troops overseas

June 19, 2013

Today, seven justices of the Supreme Court unanimously reject an attempt by the Ministry of Defence to legally exclude armed forces personnel operating overseas from the protection of the Human Rights Act 1998 (“HRA 1998”). In Smith & Others v Ministry of Defence, families of troops killed in Iraq during operations asked the Supreme Court […]

JUSTICE calls for Government to publish torture inquiry findings

June 10, 2013

JUSTICE, together with other NGOs, wrote to the national press to highlight the critical recommendations of the UN Committee against Torture on the UK’s recent record. The Government must take heed of the Committee’s recommendation that the interim findings of the Gibson inquiry on the treatment of detainees should be published as soon as possible.  […]

JUSTICE urges Peers to reject Government rewrite of the Secret Courts Bill

March 25, 2013

JUSTICE considers that that the operation of CMP is inherently unfair and that normalising the use of these controversial and previously exceptional hearings will undermine the credibility of our judges and public confidence in the civil justice system. Allowing one party – usually the Government – to present its case to the Court largely unchallenged […]

JUSTICE urges Supreme Court to extend human rights protection to UK troops

February 15, 2013

On Monday morning, the Supreme Court will begin a four day hearing set to determine whether the protection of the European Convention on Human Rights extends to the activities of UK troops overseas. JUSTICE has intervened in this case to urge the Supreme Court to find that the relationship between the UK and its forces […]

JUSTICE and others condemn Government’s rewrite of the Secret Courts Bill

February 6, 2013

Today, JUSTICE joins together with other leading human rights organisations, Amnesty, Liberty and Reprieve, to regret the Government’s decision to reverse cross-party changes to the Justice and Security Bill made in the House of Lords. JUSTICE considers that the expansion of closed material procedures (or CMP) remains unfair, unnecessary and unjustified.  That Ministers reject the […]

Supreme Court reaffirms ancient right to liberty

October 31, 2012

Today, in a unanimous decision, the Supreme Court reaffirms the importance of the ancient common law writ of habeas corpus. Mr Rahmatullah, was captured by UK forces in Iraq and handed over to US forces in 2004, in accordance with a Memorandum of Understanding between the UK and the US governing the transfer of prisoners.  […]

Carloway Consultation on Criminal Justice – too much, too soon

October 24, 2012

JUSTICE Scotland has submitted a response to the Scottish Government on its review of criminal justice following the Cadder case and Lord Carloway’s inquiry into the way the system functions. Read Press Release Read JUSTICE Scotland’s response