JUSTICE announces appointment of new director

October 3, 2012

Andrea Coomber has been appointed the new director of JUSTICE. Andrea is currently legal director of the international human rights organisation, INTERIGHTS. Read Press Release

Draft Communications Data Bill: JUSTICE says “no more snooping”

September 4, 2012

JUSTICE has published its written evidence to the parliamentary Joint Committee on the Draft Communications Data Bill. The Draft Bill would enable the Government to compel providers of communications services to collect, store and keep new information about how we use the internet, the phone and the post to communicate with each other.   JUSTICE […]

JUSTICE initial response to Brighton negotiations

April 19, 2012

As States prepare to finalise the Brighton Declaration, tomorrow, the UK makes an important commitment to the future of the Court and the Convention. States must improve national standards and improve the protection of rights at home.  JUSTICE raises concern about agreement to amend the Convention to incorporate judicial principles designed to give States greater […]