Andrea Coomber has been appointed the new director of JUSTICE. Andrea is currently legal director of the international human rights organisation, INTERIGHTS. Read Press Release
Secret courts, open justice and liberal principles: Liberal Democrats debate the Justice and Security Bill
September 24, 2012
JUSTICE Human Rights Director guests on the UK Human Rights Blog Angela Patrick explains why tomorrow’s Liberal Democrat Conference motion on the Justice and Security Bill gives party members an opportunity to speak out on the risks to open, equal and adversarial justice in the Government’s flawed Justice and Security Bill. Read the blog piece here. […]
Draft Communications Data Bill: JUSTICE says “no more snooping”
September 4, 2012
JUSTICE has published its written evidence to the parliamentary Joint Committee on the Draft Communications Data Bill. The Draft Bill would enable the Government to compel providers of communications services to collect, store and keep new information about how we use the internet, the phone and the post to communicate with each other. JUSTICE […]
Justice and Security Bill: JUSTICE Director of Human Rights highlights cross-party Lords challenge
July 13, 2012
As the Justice and Security Bill progresses through the House of Lords stages, our Human Rights Director highlights significant challenge from Peers from all three main political parties in the UK Human Rights Blog. JUSTICE remains unpersuaded of the Government’s case to expand the use of Closed Material Proceedings into ordinary civil proceedings. Read today’s […]
Justice and Security Bill: JUSTICE calls on Lords to speak up for open adversarial justice.
June 19, 2012
As the House of Lords meets to debate the Justice and Security Bill Second Reading, JUSTICE highlights its serious concerns about the impact of the Bill’s proposals on open, adversarial and equal justice. The Government is asking for an effective opt-out from our most basic principles of due process. The Supreme Court refused to extend […]
The Government is not for turning: Justice and Security Bill still unfair, unnecessary and unjustified
May 30, 2012
JUSTICE’s Human Rights Director reacts to the publication of the Justice and Security Bill in a guest piece for the UK Human Rights Blog. Despite widespread coverage of changes to the proposals since the publication of the Justice and Security Green Paper, the Bill represents a challenge to the UK’s longstanding traditions of open, adversarial […]
The right to vote is not a privilege: Time for Parliament to act says JUSTICE
May 23, 2012
Building on Brighton: JUSTICE’s Director of Human Rights Policy reflects on the Brighton Declaration
April 23, 2012
In an article published today by Public Service Europe, JUSTICE’s Director of Human Rights Policy welcomes the focus on national implementation in the Brighton Declaration. The Declaration makes a positive commitment to the right of individuals to take their case to the Strasbourg Court and makes proposals to secure that right for future generations. We […]
JUSTICE initial response to Brighton negotiations
April 19, 2012
As States prepare to finalise the Brighton Declaration, tomorrow, the UK makes an important commitment to the future of the Court and the Convention. States must improve national standards and improve the protection of rights at home. JUSTICE raises concern about agreement to amend the Convention to incorporate judicial principles designed to give States greater […]