Interview Collection

To celebrate this year’s International Women’s Day, JUSTICE brings together a collection of interviews with women working across the spectrum of our justice system.

Scroll down for an A-Z of our interviewees! 


Catherine Smith

You’ve got to put in the hours. I was gutted when I finally realised this, having ‘winged it’ too many times in my life. Preparation is vital, and a powerful weapon, no matter how smart or talented you think you are.

Catherine Smith, Advocate, Arnot Manderson

Carla FerstmanI remember the day that I went with my two elderly Chilean clients to a formal ceremony at the Chilean Embassy in London. The Chilean Government issued a formal apology for the torture our client suffered and handed over the reparation that had been order by the Inter-American Court. We all had tears in our eyes.

Carla Ferstman, Director, REDRESS

Polly BrendonFor many women the greatest challenge will be getting the advice and representation that they need to be able to access justice. Following the drastic cuts to legal aid provision in recent years, many of those unable to pay for legal services will now find that they cannot get legal aid, and so will be unable to find a lawyer to assist them.

Polly Brendon, Solicitor, Public Law Project

Polly Glynn

Many aspects of the justice system are inaccessible if you are not wealthy, and often women have less opportunity to work than men, and get paid less when they are working, so this affects them more.  I think we should have a system of justice that is available to everyone.

Polly Glynn, Managing Partner, Deighton Pierce Glynn

Alexandra Marks

As Chair of a national charity called Prisoners’ Education Trust, I have had the privilege of meeting many of our alumni: prisoners whose distance learning courses in prison PET has funded. It is both humbling and inspiring to hear about these men and women’s achievements. Their hunger for learning, desire and ability to achieve, in the face of difficulties most of us never have to experience, is truly remarkable.

Alexandra Marks, Partner, Linkaters


Kate Beattie
Julie Bishop
Polly Brendon
Baroness Campbell of Surbiton
Natalie Ceeney CBE
Zoë Chapman
Christine Chinkin
Lady Clark of Calton
Clare Collier
Ella Davies
Carla Ferstman
Amanda Finlay
Lady Justice Gloster
Polly Glynn
Ruth Hayes
Alexandra Marks
Monica McWilliams
Office of Speaker’s Counsel
Pragna Patel
Róisín Pillay
Catherine Smith

Join us on 19 March 2016 for our Annual Student Conference to hear Andrea Coomber, Director of JUSTICE, in conversation with Shami Chakrabarti, Director of Liberty. Sign up now.

Messages from our Director and ChairWomen and The LawRights of Women Legal Aid Case NoteInterview Collection